Saturday, February 8, 2020

This week’s blog is extremely controversial, you will be hearing my own views as well as what I have recently learned from several articles that I have studied. This topic is that of Gay people and the Gay community. Recently in an article I read (see link below, it is long) that Gay people for the most part do not act out due to their genetics but rather some disruption in their family life that brings them to be disconnected to boys and eventually turns into a fascination with boys. The article claims that this is the case for 90% of all gay people. This is mainly due to the article studying twin boys, and recording which was gay and which was not, and about 90% of those boys who were genetically the same one was gay and the other was not. Suggesting that being Gay does not originate from genetic code. Like I mentioned earlier this was surprising to me because I had never considered something like being Gay being the result of a traumatic or rejection event in a boy’s life. Causing a shift and a re-prioritization, in other words, they seek to find the connection to boys that should have developed long before they went into puberty. However, what is interesting still is that through counseling and succeeding in finding fulfillment in whatever activity or aspirations they hold themselves to, reverts the mind back to its original state. Meaning that a person that is Gay can become attracted to a woman now that the mind has fulfilled what was disconnecting or interfering with it originally. This leads me to view being gay as more like a mental challenge or disorder rather then a state you are stuck with since birth. It can indeed be treated if desired. One viewpoint of mine that has changed again with this topic is that often we, both as adults and children are treated to fill a certain mold based on our sex. What is interesting is that often what we mistake for a “Gay” behavior is actually a behavior that we do not expect to find in a young kid for that kid’s sex. For example, boys tend to be destructive in their play while girls are nurturing. When a boy instead of liking to destroy things takes on a more nurturing role, we often make judgement is saying that he is gay rathe then acknowledging that often we don’t conform to the strict expectations for boys and girls. What is also interesting is that if a girl takes a more “boyish” play we call them a tom girl. We don’t call them demeaning or assuming titles. So, as a society we often treat each member of the opposite sex with both rigid expectations and when those expectations are breached react differently to both. One being more destructive and assuming then the latter. We as human beings are unique individuals, and some tendencies, well a lot of tendencies we have are very similar to each other. That does not give us an ounce to judge another for small infringements of protocol or to make assuming judgement calls when we do not conform to these expectations. It then becomes important that we do not judge or assume out of context of situations in our lives. It is up to you how you treat the people around you no matter the age, experience, or sex of that person.

Homosexuality: Innate and Immutable? What Science Can and Cannot Say, by A. Dean Byrd

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