Saturday, March 14, 2020

Communication is huge today in our society. It links us, in an inexpensive and all encompassing way. Yet as human beings we still are failing to make sense of the sheer amount, let alone one on one communication of each other and those around the world. Instead of growing up having good conversations face to face with each other suddenly vanished and has been replaced by cell phones with texting ability. In my lifetime I grew up with this reality in middle school, and now this is affecting kids in elementary school or even earlier. This overdose of synthetic communication inhibits face to face interaction and breeds a lack of confidence in face to face communication. This is because instead of developing good habits of communication, or just simply a lack of the practice thereof, are stunted in each method of communication. These three areas are verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication that is delivered. Each message we send, and individual "codes and sends" to another who then "decodes, processes, codes, then re-sends a message" whether this communication is verbal or not, we have a tendency to miss communicate or miss understand what another person is trying to tell us, simply because we have failed or have yet to develop the necessary pathways in order to understand one another. However, even with the system of understanding in place, we can still misinterpret the communication we receive, these factors may include our emotional state, alertness, attention, and willingness to receive or believe a message. A good example of this may be tuning out your spouse, both your willingness to receive the communication and your attention are missing and compromise the entire system. So does it surprise you that today so many people are confused with a variety of subjects as broad as religion to politics. The media we receive today is vast, and it takes energy to process this information we receive. Due to our abilities or lack thereof to process communication many stories or information are bloated out of proportion to the point where some may believe in it. This makes being source critical of where our information comes from the more important, because if we are not careful, we will not understand the information given to us, and be mislead. This can lead us to making the world a more hostile and negative place, where understanding of one another is impossible simply because we came to the wrong conclusion about one another, or one subject or another. This is the challenge of my generation and all generations that are present today. If we fail to communicate, families will fall, strife will rise, and isolation and its close friend depression will continue to rise.

There is hope, one of the ways that I will be instilling in my family unit is the consoling communication. It too is a process, but one that conveys love and openness to any that are present.   1. Express Love
 2. Prayer
 3. Discuss to consensus (Lord’s will)
 4. Prayer
 5.    Have a treat

I know that this is extremely twisted to a religious sense, however, it both allows for positive communication and easy understanding of one another. I have had it in my home before, though not nearly as fleshed out, I have faith in, and see the blessings that will come if we apply this modal to our lives as we interact and discuss certain topics with one another.

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